DPS923 & MAP523

Mobile App Development for iOS

Notes Topics Weekly Resources Graded work Professor Code examples

DPS923 MAP523 Week 8 Notes

The theme for this week is to get started with location related services in iOS apps.

Monday plan

Welcome back, after study week.

Your professor has previewed the remaining topics in the textbook, and matched them to topic coverage plans. The result is that we are going to go slower and cover fewer chapters.

Before any new content coverage, we will study and discuss a project template (version 1) that will ease the task of putting together a multi-scene app that uses data.

Next, we will discuss the released Assignment 3, and get started with its coding.

Finally, the professor will guide you through the topic hightlights in the textbook.

Chapter 22: Get Location Data

Please visit the weekly schedule for a revised textbook chapter and course topic coverage plan.

Project “template”

Your professor has created a project template that will help you build a multi-scene app that uses data.

We will demonstrate its use. It has some documentation in this note.

Get it from the course’s code repository. It is in the “Templates_and_solutions” folder. There is a convenient zip file for download use, and you can also use a browser to look at the code online.

Wednesday plan

All the time in the Wednesday class in the computer-lab room can be used to work on the current assignment.

This week’s Swift focus

Chapters 21 and 23 have some good Swift coverage. Please study and practice. Study the code examples that come with the textbook.

Learning resources

iOS Apprentice
Chapters 21, 22, 23

Swift documentation