DPS923 & MAP523

Mobile App Development for iOS

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Graded work

This page has details about the graded work in DPS923 and MAP523, for the current academic term.


We have planned approximately four (4) tests during the term.

The duration of each test will be about an hour. Each test will be 12% or 13% of your final course grade. All tests will be hand-written, and will happen sometime during the class timeslot. The total value of all tests will be 50%.

Recognizing that it’s possible to have an “off day”, the final grade calculation will examine the results of all four tests, and discount the value of the lowest-graded test to 50%.

Alternatively, if you miss a test, there is no opportunity to do a replacement test. However, absence due to illness happens occasionally. As a result, there will be a policy and procedure which could possibly excuse the test.


We have planned approximately four (4) assignments during the term.

The first three assignments have a two-week lifetime, and are worth 10% each. One of these three assignments can be up to three days late, without penalty. Each of the other assignments must be submitted by the due date and time, otherwise its grade is zero, and there will not be an opportunity to earn marks for another late submission.

The upload link for each assignment disappears after its due date and time.
If you are submitting a late assignment:

  1. Upload it to the link for the next assignment
  2. Notify me by email that you have done this

The final assignment has a six-week lifetime, and is worth 20%. It must be submitted by the due date and time, otherwise its grade is zero, and there will not be an opportunity to earn marks for a late submission.

The total value of all assignments will be 50%.


Tests - about 4 - 50%
Assignments - about 4 - 50%

This course does NOT have a final exam.

If you do not agree with this graded work plan, then please drop the course.

Promotion Policy

Here’s what’s needed to pass the course:

Frequently-asked questions

The following are frequently-asked questions about course policies and grading.

Make-up (replacement) tests? No.

We don’t do make-up or replacement tests, for a number of reasons, including the following:

Therefore, no make-up or replacement tests.

Due date extensions? No.

As noted above, during the term, one (1) late Assignment 1, or 2, or 3 will be accepted within three (3) days of its due date.

However, as a general rule, we don’t do due date extensions for assignments, for a number of reasons, including the following:

Therefore, no due date extensions.